How can I know the OpenAI limit per day (Retool managed) for my organisation

Hey can someone from the Retool team or Community help me in identifying the open AI limit per day. I have seen in Docs that the API is rate-limited to 250,000 tokens per hour.

But the docs also mention that each organisation have a per day limit. How can I know that. Currently we are under Business plan.


@retool_team also available 250,000 tokens per hour - is this input tokens or combined? (input and output tokens)

Hey @Joyal_A_Johney! Thanks for reaching out.

As far as I know, the only daily limit we enforce is is for OpenAI's embedding models. Those particular endpoints are limited to 120MM total tokens daily, which should easily allow for vectorizing as many as ~10000 total pages. The 250k tokens/hr rate limit referenced in the docs is specifically for GPT models and I'm pretty sure there isn't a separate token ceiling.

Last but not least, my understanding is that OpenAI token limits typically take both input and response data into account and would assume that the same is true in this case. I'll double check that for you, though! :+1:

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Awesome, thanks @Darren!

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