Retool Vectors capacity and request limits

I am currently exploring the new features of Retool Vectors and am genuinely impressed with its ease of use and functionality. I am eager to use it more comprehensively. I have a couple of questions that I couldn't find answers to in the documentation:

  1. What is the current capacity of each vector in terms of the number and size of files and pages it can store?
  2. When inserting information in bulk through workflows, what is the allowed rate of requests per second?

Any guidelines or approximate values you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance.

Hey @tasai! Glad you are enjoying vectors so far.

What is the current capacity of each vector in terms of the number and size of files and pages it can store?

Retool Vectors uses Retool Database under the hood to store the data, so limits are defined by the limits of Retool DB. There shouldn't be individual vector limits, but there will be limits on overall data storage.

When inserting information in bulk through workflows, what is the allowed rate of requests per second?

This would be limited by the workflow infrastructure, and a 120_000_000 embeddings token per day limit.

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