Has anyone tried integrating Google Slides API with Retool

Hello Everyone,

I'm currently trying to integrate and use Google Slides API with Retool, however I am experiencing some errors when running some sample GET and POST requests.

I did some troubleshooting (making sure scopes are correct, resetting Client Secret, making sure Redirect/Callback URLs, and Authorized JavaScript Origins are correct, making sure to pass the OAUTH2_TOKEN as a header for Authorization)I tried running both POST and GET methods from the docu (https://developers.google.com/slides/api/reference/rest/v1/presentations/get?apix_param[…]22%3A%221F9Of8oq4UeIYP8ebD6TWpougpOCbHCV9xhmnGENCalA%22%7D) but both requests returns the same kind of error

Here is my current setup:

Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 3.39.56 AM

What can I do to proceed?

Hey @ThinkRom!

Can you try adding Bearer as part of your Authorization header and let me know if that helps?

Thanks Kabirdas! It worked :smiley: