Google sheets "Choose a sheet" shows no data


I'm facing an issue with Google Sheets resources where the dropdown to select a spreadsheet shows "No Data"
The resource is configured with a GCP service account and this service account is added as editor on the multiple spreadsheets. It doesn't seem to produce any logs which makes it hard to troubleshoot.


How can I make this work?

Hi @jmdf :wave:

This sounds like it could be a permissions error with your service account. Here are a few debugging approaches:

  1. One way to help identify if that is the cause is to try running other action types and see if you're getting similar behavior. For example, can you create a spreadsheet with this resource?

  2. When you run the query, what does the output look like? You may get a more helpful error message there.

  3. If you click fx, then type in the name of your spreadsheet and run the query, what does your output look like?

Let me know if those tips help! :raised_hands:

Getting the same error for Service Account login
Dropdown list doesn't work for Actions that require Spreadsheet ID selection

But it works only for Actions that DOESNT require Spreadsheet ID selection like: List of tables

Hi @Artur_T, welcome to the forum! Could you send me a screenshot of your query?