I reported on this earlier and I don't think anyone had a solution.
I have figured this out by trial an error.
My problem was that when I opened up my tables, there was no focus on a particular row. I had to click into the table to get the row to ,light up.
I have found a solution.
The Primary Key field must be empty for focus to occur. I was entering the Primary Key for the table and for some reason that stopped the focus on the first row.
If you do not pass any value into the () of the function it will default to selecting the first row. You can chose another row by passing in a number for the row, zero being the first and counting up from there.
As @stefancvrkotic said you will need to have the PK specified for rows to be selectable.
But as you pointed out the new table has a default option to specify the row at index zero to be selected on page load.
My idea was that the query that runs table1.selectRow() would have the checkbox to run that just once on page load and then you should be able to click on other rows to change which is being selected.
And then only on page load/hard refresh would the query run again to re-set the focus to the first row.
Are you still using the "Default Index" in the table inspector on the right side? That may be causing the table to override the clicks that would change the selection.
I went through all this again.
The only way I can get a focus on table open is to have no primary key and a default index of 0 and no code in the event handler.
This all works fine for me.
I think this should be viewed as a bug.
The Legacy Table does not have these problems. Its just with the New Table.
I believe this is a bug.
I don't think we should spend any more time on this.
We are discussing work arounds because the New Table does not focus properly on opening and does not scroll properly.
I have it working with my work arounds.
I think the thrust should be getting the bugs fixed so the New Table works naturally.
The Legacy Table does not have these problems.