Finetune Mapbox in Retool Mobile?

Current Retool documentation on Mapbox is very coarse and tells next to nothing about fine tuning it. I tried to have a crack at Mapbox docs, and GeoJSON docs, both feels 100x more complex than Retool.

My use case is very basic, I'm using google maps API to convert a single address to Lat/Long. But I can't figure out how to achieve:

  • display a single Lat/Long point on map in center
  • disable all interactive, as if the map is a still image
  • remove all the icon/badge if possible, mapbox badge, my location icon etc

I'm also having some issue with below config. On desktop IDE, it all renders correctly.

On android phone, upon generating Lat/Long, the map zoom fly all the way to San Francisco. After I manually drag pan all the way to where the marker should be, it is generated correctly.

Hi @rxunique, currently if either the specified lat/lng is undefined we default to San Francisco. One thing you could do is change hidden to be {{ !lat_input.value || !long_input.value }} so that the map only renders when both inputs have been evaluated. We currently don't support making the map static and we don't have an option to remove the extra icons, however we'll make a ticket for them and update this thread once complete! Please let me know if the issue still persists after trying the fix above.

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