fileUtils' is not defined

I'm using the doc example

results = await fileUtils.parseXLSX(uploadFileButton.value[0], {"blankrows": true});

But Editor says fileUtils' is not defined and console.log returns undefined
file utils

have you tried to run it anyway? the linter might be giving a false warning

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Hi I have
console.log(results) returns undefined

The file content is there

Hi @iiLaw, you might just need to add a return!

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Looks like while it says undefined, there actually is a value. Please see an example below. It's not the most intuitive, sorry about that and hope this helps!

Hi Abbey, do you think this is yet another instance of this longstanding issue?

This is still widespread across nearly all our apps and lends an air of brokenness to Retool's environment; in my cases, literally all these components & queries are defined and evaluate fine when executed, but in the code windows they're annotated as not.

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Yes, it looks like a bug with our IDE. I've logged it. thank you for sharing a related post!

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