Error connecting to Retool DB with configuration info from DB settings window

  • Goal:
    I would like to allow the Retool DB to be accessible to query via Microsoft SQL for a project.

  • Steps:
    The person I’m working with has used the configuration settings(username password, host) from the retool database settings window to try to connect via Microsoft SQL and I have tried to connect via a Postgres resource in my Retool instance and both of us received errors.

  • Details:
    The retool resource gave this error: “the connection is insecure try using sslmode =required”
    The Microsoft sql gave this error: “a connection was successfully established with the server but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake - the specified network name is no longer available”

I did not previously have this issue connecting to the retool db. I’m not sure if this is a setting you all are able to enable for our retool instance, or if I need to set up an SSL certificate? I’m not familiar with SSL certificates, so if that is needed any resources you could point me towards would be greatly appreciated.

Hey @kristin1!

You shouldn't need to set up any additional certificates to connect to the Retool DB externally or from within Retool. Simply checking the Use SSL / TLS checkbox should be enough to get this to work.

Error without checking that box:

Box to check:
CleanShot 2024-05-28 at 09.29.31@2x

Successful connection afterwards:

Let me know if you are still having issues.