Edit Record via Dropdown

Hi all –
I’m configuring a table to have an editable column as a drop-down. When doing this, I have the option to set the “VALUES”. I can set it to something like this: {{getTenants.data.ValueID}}
This works, but I don’t see a way to set the drop-down “LABELS”. When setting up a form, I can set the label separate from the value. For example, LABELS would be set to something like this: {{getTenants.data.DisplayName}}
However, when configuring an editable column as a drop-down, I only see a “VALUES” option… I do not see a “LABELS” option. I’ve tried to just use something like this: {{getTenants.data}} but that doesn’t seem to work either. Thoughts?

Hey @dave-boucher – thanks for reaching out about this. The dropdown cells are a new feature (we just launched them last week). This exact request has been a popular one, and we’ll be adding labels to the dropdown cells soon.

Pretty please with sugar on top! :wink:

@alex - Happy New Year!
Any thoughts on timing for this feature? Also, I don’t need to tag/nag you or anyone else about this, so is there someplace I can go that would give me some information regarding roadmap/timing for feature requests like this?
Also - is there any javascript work-around that you can think of for me to get around this problem? This is becoming a blocker for me.

Also - is there any javascript work-around that you can think of for me to get around this problem. This is becoming a blocker for me.

Hey @dave-boucher thanks for the reminder! I'm not 100% sure about timing on this feature, but you can expect it within Q1 of this year for sure. We unfortunately don't publish a roadmap, but you can keep an eye out for new features by following our release notes (https://updates.retool.com). You are not a nag for asking here, this is the best place to check in for feature requests. It also helps us gauge how important these features are when people keep asking for them :slight_smile: so don't be shy.
I'm not aware of a JS workaround for this, but if I come across one I'll be sure to post it here. Also, when we ship the feature, I'll be sure to post here and tag you!

@dave-boucher just wanted to let you know that on the latest version of Retool, you can now add labels in addition to values for table columns which are set to the dropdown type!

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Spectacular! I’ll check it out. Thanks!!

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