Dynamic Height for Custom Component in New Workflow

I'm working with the new workflow for custom components which is currently in beta.

I'm trying to set the height of this component (when I drag it into the UI editor) to be dynamic based on the content of the component (e.g.: if my custom component is a table, it should auto-adjust its height based on the number of rows in the table.
I guess the functionality I'm looking for is more like that of a flex container, so I can just have it auto-expand based on the contents of its children (i.e. my custom component).

I saw this post for setting heightType to auto for custom components, but it doesn't exist for the new custom component (yet).
Is there a plan to implement something similar for the new custom component?

If not, is there any other way I can solve this problem?

Hello @shubham!

Thank you for bringing this up.

As stated by Tess in the other forum posts, we are still working on this feature. It appears that she was able to turn on the feature flag for specific organizations upon request which I can definitely do if you would like!

We plan on having an easy way to set Height to Auto once we have finalized the new custom component options :sweat_smile:

The other option would be to use custom CSS, which is not usually recommended, as it can cause bugs when components are updated and changed. There are some examples of inline CSS using the typescript API on the page that you linked at the top of your post, down here if you scroll slightly up to the code snippet right above the ".useEventCallback" title.

Hopefully we can activate the feature flag and you can help us beta test it instead of potentially running into custom CSS complexity!