Disable when Button Pressed

I have a button which adds a blank row to a table. The problem is, there is no disable appearance or anything else that suggests that the button has been pressed.
Is there anything that can be done to make some indication that the button has been pressed?


You could: set a temporary state on the button click event, and then tie that states value to the disabled property on the button.

Example app:
buttonDisable.json (3.3 KB)

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You can also Disable the button while the query is running using {{whateverqueryrunswhenbuttonisclicked.isFetching}}


Scott: I can't quite figure out how to put this all together.
I have a button called "Add Row".
The name of the code it calls is "Insert4b".
"Insert 4b" has the code "insert into Test01 (first,num1) values ('blank',0)".

I can't quite figure out where {{Insert4b.isFetching}} is entered.

highlight the button and enter {{Insert4b.isFetching}} in the Disabled field.

Thank you so much.
It works perfectly.
Thanks again.