Default Run Behavior to Select the Manual Option Always

Hey guys,

As this topic suggested before: Global default for new queries to run only when manually triggered

Is there any way to control the default Run Behavior?

This feature is very important for us to be in control of each query. Specially when working with Junior Devs

Hi there!

As you can see in the following image, you can control behavior to run manually or automatically on page load:

If you want to have more specific management on query run behavior, using Workflows might help.

I would be happy to hear more about your use-case and discuss this issue in details.

Hey Ali,

I asked for the "default" . The default setting for run behavior. With the way you tell; you need to always select the run behavior and it is open for mistakes.

Hmm I see.

It seems that it is not possible to change the default and can be a good suggestion to be added to feature requests.

Thank you!

I would like to hear something from the @retool_team

Hi @Onur_Bolaca,

The default run behavior for SQL mode queries and get requests (read queries) is Automatic. If you switch the query to a delete action, post request, or GUI mode for SQL (write queries), the run behavior will be switched to Manual. The default for Javascript and AI queries is manual.

The feature request linked previously is in our backlog still, so I don't have a timeline for a fix :disappointed: I'll add your +1 though