DateTime `value` doesn’t updated when `valueTimeZone` set

It seems like there’s a bug in the DateTime component.

When manageTimeZone is true, the offset in valueTimeZone is supposed to be applied to the value. Initially that looks like what happens. We can see the -0500 on the end of the value here:

But look what happens when I change Time Zone Offset:

We can see the DateTime’s valueTimeZone has changed to -07:00, but the value has not updated! It still reads 01:00:00.000 and still has the old offset of -0500.

It’s only after interacting with DateTime in some way (even to select the same date/time) that the value updates to take valueTimeZone into account:


This is especially dangerous because updates to displayTimeZone are applied immediately. So the display and the value of DateTime can disagree with each other!

Hey @jse! Yikes. Logged this as a bug and will let you know once we fix this. Thank you for surfacing.