Custom Domain - Sign In With Google not working?

I've added a custom domain to our Retool cloud deployment, but there is no option to sign in with Google on the custom domain (even though there is in the login).

Has anyone else had this issue? Is this something I can configure on my side?

Hey @Dave_Feldman thanks for asking! There's an update on the status of Google SSO for custom domains over here - let me know if that's the info you were looking to confirm :slightly_smiling_face: tl;dr we're looking into it on the Retool side, but it will take a bit more work on our side to support SSO for custom domains.

@Dave_Feldman check out this update on the other post sharing that this is now supported! Thanks again for surfacing and asking about this! :slight_smile: SSO for custom domain - #5 by kbn