Custom Components Beta

Hey Jess, is there any update on this for self-hosted customers? This sounds absolutely ideal!

Issue also reported here trying to install the dependencies on the template, if anyone else has run into this?

We're getting close for on-prem, ideally in beta on the edge release in two weeks. Right now we're addressing some early feedback to avoid any breaking changes.

On the issue, yup we'll have a fix out for that tomorrow thanks for reporting.

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Using npm install instead of yarn install should work at the moment as a workaround @cameron.pearce

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Hey! Please add my account Thank you!

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Would love to test it out!

Please add to the beta.

Thank you!

@jessicasun @matthewisabel Hey! Is any news?

Hello @jessicasun Can you please add enable this for our organization kodeclubs.retool

Hi, can you please enable this for iseyon1.retool as well. Thank you!

Hello everyone! I wanted to let you all know the custom components beta is now publicly available.

Read our docs on how to get started and feel free to let us know if you have any feedback or share what you're building in the thread!

Hey! Is any way to create a method in the custom component to call it outside from Retool JS?

Hey, can you please enable this for me?

It should already be available to you. have you tried following the example in the link @matthewisabel gave yet?

I was curious if it’s possible to load custom libraries for a custom component via npm install. We are creating a component that would show 3D data and would need three.js and some other third party libraries from speckle SpeckleAdmin/src/renderer/SpeckleRenderer.js at master · speckleworks/SpeckleAdmin · GitHub.

If I’m working on creating a custom component do I have the same limitations that I have with the native retool libraries? Can I install any npm library?

Conversely would it be possible to treat retool as a react component within a react app? I think Plasmic has this ability so one could mix no-code and code as need be.

The end goal would be to leverage retool for most of the interface and then use react or a react component for the custom 3D components. In either scenario I would need to be able to pass props from one component to anouther.

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:wave: Hey @benjaminfortunato I see you chatted about your use case with Darren here :slightly_smiling_face:

As far as treating Retool as a react component, the closest thing would be embedding your Retool app in a React app with some limited capability to pass data between the embedded Retool page and the parent

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