Custom complete button from any page with validation

  • Goal: I want to have a custom button to complete the task which can complete the task on any page but still runs server-side validation

  • Details:

  • from what I understand completeLastPage is what I need to call but in the docs it says its depreciated and links to tryComplete but this says if I want to be on any page I should use doComplete (and links to the wrong one) but doComplete say I should use completeLastPage if I want validation from any page (so back to the beginning)

  • I actually started all this to figure out how I can fail server-side validation if my survey doesnt contain any questions but I understand this a strange use case so I dont mind if theres no good answer to that.

I cant provide code but the overall idea is something like


const buttonSubmit = (taskModel) => {
taskModel. <----- what method should I use here

I'm not quite sure I understand what it is you are asking, but this does not seem like a Retool issue. Are you using this survey in a Retool app? Is this question about SurveyJS methods a question for the folks? :grinning: