I am trying to create a form which updates a client list database, updating and creating new users. Both of my Event Handlers work - when I press the Submit button, a new record is added, or an existing record is updated.
The problem is that these two event handlers are tied to the same "Submit" button. When I update a user, the Submit button throws an error for my "Add User" script, stating that the ClientID (parameter I am filtering by) already exists.
How can I set up an Event Handler "Only run when" rule so that the Update script runs when the ClientID already exists in the database? Alternatively, I could run the Add script when the ClientID does not exist in the database.
Using the build in "Bulk Upsert" wasn't working for my case, so I just wrote up two quick SQL commands to take the parameters from the form, assign them to columns in the table manually, and insert them.
Add script just adds a line to the table, Update script updates an entry on the table, both based on a Client ID parameter.
What I'm trying to accomplish is some kind of "If, Else" statement, where "If [Client ID] Exists in the table, run "Add script,' ELSE run "Update script""
Have you considered an upsert query? This example is from Stack Exchange and applies to SQL Server 2005. I just offer this as a concept or starting point for you to consider.
INSERT INTO dbo.Employee(Col1, ..., ColN)
VALUES(Val1, .., ValN)
UPDATE dbo.Employee
SET Col1 = Val1, Col2 = Val2, ...., ColN = ValN
Later versions of SQL Server include MERGE which is what we use for upserts. I don't know about other DBMS but searching for MERGE equivalents may help.
If you're set on the "Only run when" option, you will just need a comparison that will return true or false. Such as the .some() method.
yourQuery.data.ID.some(id => id === formField.value)