Create users without being admin

Hello !

I wanted to know if there's a solution to allow a user to invite new users and update them without being an admin. I just wanna give this specific permission to the user. No permissions to delete anything or viewing the entirety organization's content.

Thanks for your help !

Hey @sacha thanks for sharing this feature request! Granting non-admin users the permission to invite other users is not possible today. I've attached this to an internal tracker ticket for our product team. If this moves toward being prioritized, happy to share any updates here.

Today, the product allows non-admins to Suggest new users by going to Settings > Users > click Suggest at top right and fill out these fields. Maybe you and your team could leverage this for your use case:

Hi @kbn ! Yes, we're gonna leverage this "Suggest new members" feature ! But I would be really happy to grant some non-admins more responsibilities.

Keep me in touch :slight_smile:

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Noting some additional context that with the Enterprise plan, you could potentially build a Retool app to hit the Retool API to invite users, and give a specific user group permission to that app. I know that doesn't fully solve the original feature request since the Retool API is not available on all plan levels, but just in case that's useful info for folks who may land on this page to know!

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Thanks @kbn ! Will see if we're gonna change for the Enterprise plan in the future :slight_smile:

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