Is this possible? I accidentally built 2 blocks in the wrong workflow, and I'm having to re-build them manually.
Hi @henrymeiklejohn, this is not possible. But if they are Resource queries, you could save them on the Query Library and import them from any Workflow. This is useful when the same query is needed in multiple Workflows.
I didn't see the option to save a query to the library from a workflow though. Is that possible? I know how to do that from an app.
I didn't have the foresight to create the queries outside of my workflow, but if saving them from a workflow is possible that would have solved the issue I had.
Currently, there is not a way to save a query to the QL from a Workflow or App but sounds like a great FR. I went ahead and created it internally. We'll notify you with any updates on this feature. Until then, we do have to recreate them.
Awesome thank you. You can definitely "Extract to Query Library" to save from an app though. Just not from a workflow.
Thank you, I updated the FR!
Want to reference this post on this as well.
Being able to modularize base components of workflows would be a useful step in creating more maintainable workflow code.
As mentioned in the referenced post, I too like to take reusable bits of workflow (ex. a few step process to put meta data about a file into a DB, upload the file to storage, return the URL for that document and update the DB) and then incorporate that base function into other specific contexts as needed.
For example, I might want to process a stored file, which happens to be a spreadsheet of site traffic, into a dashboard for site admins or I might want to process a stored file, which happens to be a picture of a cat, into a collage of random cat images for kicks. Either way, my workflow would basically start the same (upload the file) and then branch from there.
I've plus 1'd this topic as I also have the same need, many workflows that use the same blocks, but wouldn't be appropriate to try use the query library for these, and often I want to copy non-resources such as branches, returns and loops.
In case it springs any ideas for the FR, something I'm quite used to in homeassistant is toggling to yaml mode, which makes copying and pasting blocks as yaml text between automations, or from forums etc, trivial:
That demo if anyone's not familiar: Home Assistant Demo
I know retool can do full exports, but I couldn't make much sense of the export data for quick copying/pasting for myself.
Thank you for your feedback! I've added this and your +1 to the internal feature request.