Copy Google Sheets not Working

Hi folks,

I’m trying to copy a google sheet to another google spread sheet. It has worked a couple times (I think when I create a fresh query) but not consistently. Am I missing anything with my query? The query completes successfully but nothing is copied.


Hi @DylanSeq Thanks for reaching out! It looks like maybe the sheet id needs to be formatted differently :thinking: it should just be a bunch of numbers. A new tab will be created in New Spreadsheet For Order with the copied data

Just checking in here, @DylanSeq did you sort this out already?

Hi Tess,

Thanks for the help on this - sorry for the delay.

We have since, decided to use Excel for this app but it would still be good to get this working.

I have corrected the sheet ID but still get an error (see image).


What if you make the Sheet ID to copy just 0?

yeah that seems to work! thanks!

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