Details: Is it possible to connect retoold to fabric datalake warehouse as a read only? I am new to retool and it seems like the only solution is to copy the tables to azure SQL, is their a more direct way?
I need to mention that fabric has an SQL connection string, something like this {{Longtext}}.datawarehouse.fabric.microsoft.com
Hello @Aly_Elmasry,
Great question, I believe that Retool is limited to interacting with currently configured resources (and using REST API/GraphQL for request to servers) and it seems that we do not currently have a resource option for Microsoft Fabric
I can make a feature request to add this as a resource option! Will let you know in this thread any details I hear back from our engineering team.
In the meantime, other options would be using a REST API which can send requests to servers as well as graphQL. As you stated there might be able to have a to use Azure SQL as a short term solution.
It appears that we do also have Microsoft CosmosDB as a resource option although I am not familiar with that Microsoft service and if it could be useful for you to access your datalake.
Also, if you are working with large amounts of data there might be options for enterprise customers to help set up the infrastructure to achieve your goals. Let me know if your use case would require chatting with our sales team to see if there are other solutions at scale!