Cannot create generic REST request

I have trouble making additionalScope work with REST endpoints.

To me it seems that I cannot set generic POST request where body params are set using additionalScope.

See this ugly code

    fooEnd: '2024-10-17',
let a= await getQuery.trigger()
let aa= await getQuery2.trigger({
  additionalScope: {
    fooEnd: '2024-10-17',

getQuery has foo and fooEnd to read requestInput value and it is the only way I can make it work.
I try to use getQuery2 as generic request so foo and fooEnd are not set and I want them to be added when triggering additionalScope but it doesn't work.

Any advice as this is not a nice code to have and maintain?

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Hi @Deyan_Totev,

Ensure that you've added additionalScope in query2.


that could work, but I cannot see additional scope on the type of request I have.

Can you share the screenshot of your query?