Bug report: Databricks Queries not displaying special characters (Umlauts etc) correctly

Hi everyone, I just wanted to re-raise this bug / issue that seems to affect all kinds of queries using the databricks connector.

When loading data from a databricks table, special characters like "ö", "ä" or "⌀" are all displayed as "��". Within Databricks, all text is displayed correctly with the Umlauts present. There is a known workaround using a transformer (Displaying Umlauts / special characters in table from databricks query - #4 by Paulo), however, it is getting really tedious to set up the transformer for every query containing text columns (a LOT of Umlauts in German).

We are using self-hosted Retool version 3.52.2.

It would be great if someone from the Retool team could provide an update regarding this. Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Hello @jonas_09!

Sorry to hear this issue is still present. I can double check with the eng team and add your +1 to the current ticket.

I totally understand that running transformers on the query results can get tedious. Is Paulo's solutions of iterating through and replacing chars slowing down the applications speed?