Big page from multipage app not loading properly: page needs to be refreshed

We are building our backoffice using retool multipage app feature. This is working great, except for the biggest page: when switching to this page, the body keeps blank, and no query loads (there is no activity in the page whatsoever).
Happens both in editor and viewer mode.
The page is around 700 blocks, 7000 HTML elements and 33000 dependency nodes.
In order to get the page to load, we have to full refresh the whole app.

Is anyone experiencing the same issue ? What are the possible leads for investigating this ?


Hey @Michel_Thomazo ! Thanks for reporting this. Do you mind sending us your org name and Retool version number? We haven't seen this before, but will investigate!

Yeah, sure, we use retool cloud version (so latest version), hosted on

Hi there,

we're having the same issue. is there any update?

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Hi @Michel_Thomazo and @lyrold, there are no updates on this issue, but it may be worth breaking big pages into multiple pages.

Large and complex apps (single page or multipage) with thousands of plugins and hundreds of pages may perform poorly - to solve, you can split functionality into separate apps.

Here is more on this: