Best Method to Combine 2 data values from 2 different Queries and 2 components into an array

Thank you in advance for viewing and for your help replies! Just so you know I've haven't done anything with website for over 18 years, and I just started working in retool a couple of days ago. I apologize, if my replies are slow. I'm trying to get any extra details that will help. I've been spinning my wheels on this one trying to figure out a method, the best method. I could use a little push in the right direction. Or maybe, a big one?

  • Goal:
  1. I'm trying to combine arrays or objects in object format; to then, be passed as a single array.
  2. I'm trying to GET
  • Steps:
    So far I've tried:
  1. combining two queries
  2. a queryJS that's formatted and sorted
  • Details:

  • Screenshots:


This will be tough to assist as there is not enough information...
Is the data strictly limited to the following:
{{componentdate2.value}} doesn't look correct but if it is, what are the values?
If this is all the data you need then you could do the following in a js query:

return [



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When I mouse over {{['0']}} it gives me string paths.
I'm going to try right now!

is that already in an array or do I need to formatDataAsObject ?

And you were right. There's not supposed to be {{}} for JS query. I'm thinking since it responds as a column its an array. yes or no? It is I ran it.


How can I change the arrayId as the string label? My array changed to 0(id1):value

Hi there,

Happy to help out here!

To get a better understanding of what you want to change, could you please send me a screenshot of the new array that you get? Could you then also let me know how you want it to look instead?

Looking forward to your reply.
