Aspera Faspex API does not permit some parameters during OAuth2 flow

I'm having the same issue, the Aspera Faspex API won't take some parameters:

"Some parameters are not permitted. Please check the API documentation. - found unpermitted parameters: :access_type, :prompt, :scope, :audience"

I don't quite understand the workaround, since I have the same problem when using "Custom Auth Workflow"/"Oauth2 (Generic)"

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Hey @BIGstudio - welcome back to the forum and thanks for reaching out!

I've broken out your post into a separate topic because the original one ended up being unlisted due to inactivity. Additionally, the solution ended up being quite a bit more complex than I originally envisioned.

The primary issue is that Retool doesn't allow you to individually add or remove parameters when using any of the built-in OAuth patterns, including the custom/generic one. The solution that I came up with is to fully customize the pattern with individual REST requests. The downside to this approach is that you'll need to set up an app or server to handle the redirect. I went into more detail on this approach here.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any follow-up questions.