Amazon Bedrock and Knowledge Bases for Retool AI

Today, we're excited to announce Retool's integration with Amazon Bedrock and Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock. This integration enables businesses to leverage the power and security of Amazon Bedrock with the ease and speed of development on Retool to build AI applications.

For companies with strict data policies, sending data to a third-party LLM is a deal-breaker. With Amazon Bedrock, businesses can host LLMs within their VPC, ensuring compliance with their security and governance requirements. Retool customers who have adopted AWS can take advantage of all that Bedrock has to offer while keeping their data safe and secure.

The Amazon Bedrock integration is currently available on Retool Cloud. It will be available in the next Edge and Stable releases for self-hosted organizations.


@MackL I'm super glad to see the support for additional providers!

I tried to enable the bedrock integration in our settings, but it does not seem to be listed under the models section when adding a new ReTool AI action.

I created a new IAM user in our AWS account and at first gave it an inline policy where it had permissions to ListFoundationModels, InvokeModel and InvokeModelWithResponseStream but that didn't seem to work. I then tried attaching the managed policy of AmazonBedrockFullAccess but still nothing. I even tried a full admin access policy. The user also states it has not been used at all in the IAM console. I did double check that the credentials work and can create a completion through the AWS CLI.

Are there more permissions that need to be granted in order for ReTool to successfully utilize AWS Bedrock? I imagine best practice would be to create an IAM user specifically for ReTool with only the permissions needed for accessing bedrock.

I have configured the other providers: google, azure, and openai with no problems at all. The docs were straightforward for the other providers, but I think more detail would be helpful for enabling bedrock. It would also be awesome to receive immediate feedback if the configuration we enter is valid within the settings.

An awesome feature to support additional providers nonetheless! :tada:


Just coming back to point out that they did eventually populate within ReTool, I'm currently using the AmazonBedrockFullAccess full access policy but I'm hoping the ReTool folks can let me know if I can reduce that down!


hi team, anything on the exact permissions needed to access AWS Bedrock Knowledge Base?


Hello @Yashodhar_Meduri,

The permissions should be set up on the AWS side according to their best practices.

As detailed on their docs here, here, and here.

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