Goal: I want the AI to analyze every Row in the table not only 1
Steps: I tried index [i] but it didn't worked
Details: I have a table with 500,000 rows containing products, and I want to extract information from these products, such as: which product, what is the brand, how many did you order, etc. It works fine with the AI, but I can only analyze them individually.
Hello @MC123,
You are using data[0], which causes the input to be the first row.
Maybe something liek this could work? (not sure if i got the naming right)
{{table4.data.map(x=> x.BEZEICHNUNG_SSB)}}
Hey @GuilhermeSilva,
Thank you for the Idea !
The problem is that he only chose one product to analyze. He had to analyze all of them and give me an array with objects in it."
I tested around a bit and I think the issue is the data being in an array, where the AI is expecting to extract entities from text.
This method solved it for me and I got the expected result:
This solution send all the data from the table:
{{JSON.stringify(table3.data, null, 2)}}
This solution sends only the field you are using in your examples:
table1.data.map(x=> x.BEZEICHNUNG_SSB).join(", ")
Let me know if this works!