Now, splice needs a row index, which I can't get my hands on ...
'table.selectedRow.index' was referenced in a forum post, but does not work.
I understand I get the data with currentRow, currentSourceRow, and even selectedRow, but I cannot get the index, ...
and I cannot perform a 'delete' with only the data ...
I had looked into the state window, but no game :
Reason is I did not really want to select a row on my table, just click on action buttons, so I set 'Row selection' to 'None'
Therefore, selectedDataIndex was not available in the state window.
What confused me is neither currentRow, currentSourceRow, or SelectedRow appeared in the state windows HOWEVER, i could access correct values with code : formEcriture_tableLignes.currentRow would bring the correct values WHILE not available in the state !
When setting 'Row selection' to 'Single', it works nice