Promise / async JS queries from parent app to module queries

We've built an order intake form with 6 separate modules inside a stepped container. Each contains forms used to trigger validation checks of the current view.

we are using this method to trigger validations inside of modules.

The last step we want to implement is to on click: check validation, if after validating, the items on the page were not properly filled in, disable and do not continue to next view.

we are using a module output, that contains the valid state based upon the form in the module being valid.

The last bit of this is where we're having problems. The correct method (in my opinion) is we would want an async request for the valid state of the current module / form. But, because the forms are being triggered by a secondary trigger, that link is broken.

is there another method we could use? or a way to await a query finishing inside of a module from the parent app?

Is the module output not defined until the the form submission? I'm wondering if you could use the same approach of a Query JSON with SQL query in your parent app that "watches" the value of the module's output. You could conditionally trigger the next steps when the module (form's) validation output changes.

Let me know if it sounds like I'm misunderstanding or if this doesn't quite work--happy to take another look