Duplicate component when click button

I have a form, when i click into add button (+) of company textbox then it will be like image below. Can anyone tell me how to do this ?

Hmm, interesting! Is it possible to add components on runtime is the main question here?

Yeah. In runtime, this form can duplicate field. Can retool do it sir ?

Hey @Tan_Tran. Sorry, I don't know, but I'm sure the Retool team knows!



You can do this using list views - search the forum as there is a lot of info similar to this post.

Hi ScottR, can listview contain another custom component, or other component ? Thanks you

Not sure about custom component but yes it can contain other components

Agreed that a list view may be a good solution here! You can use custom components in listviews

Here are some similar convos about adding/removing listview items (here and here)