Width resizing Custom Component

Hello, when I increase the width of a Custom Component, it works. But when I want to decrease the width, it's not possible. I talk about the iFrame of the Custom Component not the content. The content can be 100px inside but the outside of the Custom Component is still taking a lot of space in the UI.

Hi @sacha

What you mean by increasing/decreasing the width of a Custom Component? Do you mean using the box handles in Retool editor, or the iFrame internally change its width?

Usually the iFrame in the Custom Component should be set as 100%, so it should fit the Component box size.


Hi @abusedmedia , I mean increasing/decreasing the width of a Custom Component by using the box handles in Retool Editor.

Hi @sacha,

You should be able to click + drag the left or right side of the custom component & change the width.

If this isn't working, can you share a screen recording?

Hi @Tess , thanks for your answer ! The problem is resolved. I couldn't be able to drag back the sides after I dragged them to expand the component. Now I can expand or reduce the component.

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Glad it's resolved! Apologies for the delay in following up here