Why is this not defined/undefined?

I'm going through error logs of an app and discovered an issue that I don't fully understand yet: Attached is a screenshot of an error of a REST query. The query has not been triggered yet. According to Retool docs, "metadata" is a known property. I would understand, that metadata is not defined yet, as the query has not been triggered yet. However, I also have another REST query (checkStartupUniqueness) with the exact same metadata property for the failure condition - for that query, there is no issue raised for the metadata (the query has also not been triggered!). So this error seems to be quite arbitrary. How can this be fixed and what is the reason for this?

Bildschirmfoto 2024-11-13 um 12.44.51

Hi @strongbow Thanks for reaching out! Do you have a way to test if the failure condition is working, despite the linting error?

We have had an ongoing issue that our engineering team has been working on where some linting errors show when they shouldn't. In the event that you run into this bug, the dynamic logic will still work despite the error :slightly_smiling_face: Our team has made a lot of improvements in reducing these linting errors already, and they're continuing to work on it

If the logic doesn't work as expected, that is likely a different issue. Let me know and we can keep troubleshooting !