Why is my query a number?

I tried to search for this, but having no luck.

I'm trying to figure out when I assign my query to a table, it shows up like this:


If I view the state, it says I can use it.


I must be doing something wrong.

are you trying to assign this as the Data Source for the table? try {{ query1.data.data }}

I have a query whos output looks like like this:

data is an array of objects:

if I want to use this output as the Data Source for a table, I get a similar error as you:

{{ getMessagesForThreadID.data.data }} was one solution. the other, you can use a transform on the query results and continue on like you're currently doing:

Hi @ZeroMHz! :slight_smile: Did @bobthebear's suggestion help you or do you still have any questions?