Why Do Retool's AI Tools Only Support English?

Hello Retool Community,

I have been using Retool for some time and am overall very impressed with the capabilities of the platform. Recently, I've started exploring some of the AI functionalities integrated into Retool, and I've found them quite promising.

However, I have a question regarding language support: Why do Retool's AI tools only support English? Is there a technical limitation or another reason behind this?

Being able to leverage these tools for other languages would be incredibly useful for my work. Are there plans for adding support for additional languages in the near future?

Thank you for your time, and I'm looking forward to your responses.

Best regards,

Hi David, I am an engineer who worked on Retool AI. Do you mind sharing the use case for which you are using other languages in Retool AI? For example, are you using the chat component?

GPT-4 has multilingual support, so if you select that as your Retool AI model, other languages should work. If you go to the bottom of this page, you'll see that GPT-4 has done some multilingual training.

Hi Francis,

there are some examples where input language is Czech:

What is the prompt? Is it in Czech as well? It should return the result in Czech as well. Retool just forwards the prompt, it doesn’t modify it I assume.


first is:

21:00 vědět, zda se zúčastníte.
Dle Pájinýho a mého názoru by určitě měli jet následující: Kozlovskij, Kmoníčková, Kulhavá, Matějková, Poláková, Schmidtová, Spudil, Valeš. Rozhodně to neberte, tak že když jsem vás nejmenoval, nemáte jet, možná jsme na vás jen při psaní zapomněli nebo si nemysleli že máte zájem.
Těším se,

and second is:

Sipy tyč pro hlodavce s ovocem 2ks. Doplňkové krmivo pro králíky, morčata, činčily, křečky, myši a další hlodavce. Složení: ovoce (jablka, rozinky, jeřabiny), hrachové vločky, pšeničná mouka, pekařské produkty, kukuřičné vločky, pšeničné vločky, čirok, proso, pšenice, oves nahý, ječmen, safrol, škrob. Analytické složky: vlhkost 12 %. Obsahuje povolená barviva EU. Krmný návod: Zavěste do klece a nechte zvířeti volně k dispozici. Podávejte 1-2 tyčinky za týden v závislosti na velikosti zvířete. Zajistěte dostatek pitné vody. Není určeno k lidské spotřebě. Určeno pro zvířata v zájmovém chovu. Skladujte v suchu a chladu. Minimální trvanlivost do/číslo šarže/čistá hmotnost: uvedeno na obale. Schvalovací číslo výrobce: CZ 800664-01.

Text is valid.

Thanks for your collaboration.


This is just the text without any instructions. What is the prompt? What do you ask ai to do with it? What does the query look like?

This texts I post to example AI App, as are in screen in my first answer. It's for Sumarize text and Extract entity from text. There is no any prompt. It's Retool AI.

@Davidkm , sorry, overlooked that your were using the default actions. It seems that the prompt used by Retool is in english.

You could use the Chat action and wrap your input in your own prompt, just put everything in Czech and the response will be in Czech.
See below, would that work?

Hi @mbruijnpff

Your test has the same result, but in czech. I think, that Retool has problem with diacritical marks and it thinks, that text is encrypted.

It is question for @francis12

Thanks David

@francis12 @mbruijnpff

here's the proof

Hi @Davidkm and @mbruijnpff, thank you for your detailed responses. The engineering team at Retool will take a deeper look into this and see how we can support more languages. We've noticed a few bugs that prevent certain characters from getting processed properly and are working towards a fix. I will get back to you!


It's great to read this. I'll look forward to it.


Hi @francis12

Any news?


Hi @Davidkm no updates yet :disappointed: I'll reach back out here if I hear any updates internally

Hi @francis12

still nothing? :frowning:


I don't think that's very fair. We pay full price, but due to this bug we can't use all the possibilities that the otherwise great Retool tool allows. :frowning:

It seems it's all the same for every other language than English.

No updates yet?

I don't have an update yet, but I'll keep this thread updated if I hear anything internally

I believe this should be fixed on Cloud (and soon, self hosted edge). Would love to hear from folks if it's now working or if we need to further investigate