Who likes to document?

Background: Building an app for commercial lease forecasting. Report documentation is always the last item on the list, so lets get AI to document for us instead.

Each report is list in a table in our sql database. The table contains name, primary key, and related data base object:

From an admin app each report row can initiate a Retool workflow:

This retool workflow comprises of a few parts:

  • tableData executes the report's related database object and retrieves 3 rows of all columns and its data.

  • parsedData ensures the data is in a good format for Retool AI to understand

  • document The AI is setup to document the report in template and provide back the ms sql update statement for the documentation to be stored back in the reports table.

  • updateReportDocumentation executes the update statement and saving the documentation.

This documentation is now available for for each report:

Having a one-click document capability saves us a tremendous amount of time to focus on Retooling.


Great example of an efficient application of AI :sunglasses: Thanks for sharing!

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