When I tried reading a value from the select component, the preview is showing the selected value, but the existing snowflake query used is resulting an error saying "object ':1' does not exist or not authorized". Can anyone help

When I tried reading a value from the select component, the preview is showing the selected value, but the existing snowflake query used is resulting an error saying "object ':1' does not exist or not authorized". Can anyone help

Can you provide a screenshot of how you are doing this with the error code included? Not entirely clear from your post, but often this type of error seems to come from how the value you are reading is being rendered in the query (e.g. if you value is an object and not a string, or it’s an array that needs special handling in the query syntax).

Hi @jg80

select channel_name from VMN_SVOD_RPT.{{select15.value}};
This is a snowflake query. select15 component has some values which is table names.

Can you show the preview of the query that will be run? Is select15.value a string of a single table name or an array/object of tables?

Just to be sure, have you confirmed that writing out the query without the variable works as intended? I assume the query you are going for is something simple like SELECT channel FROM vmn_svod_rpt.tablex where tablex is the table in schema vmn_svod_rpt, right?

Hello @Jyothi!

@jg80 Thank you so much for the help! :1st_place_medal:

I agree if you could show us what the data of select15.value looks like that would help us understand what is being passed to the SQl query and causing the error message.

If you could screen shot on mouse over or display .value in another way we should be able to get to the bottom of this.

From your screenshot the error saying 'unexpected ':' ' makes me thing it might be an object and its parsing out the : between the key and value. In that case you would likely need to key in.

If the .value is an array of tables then we can troubleshoot another solution to grab the value that you want.