What kind of backup or redundancy does Retool Cloud have for apps, queries, workflows, etc

Questions from a client (as rephrased by me):

  1. Aside from downloading the JSON for our own apps and workflows, what redundancies or backups do you have in the case your datacenter burns down or other catastrophe?

  2. Is there a way for us to backup the query library like we can get JSON for apps?

  3. Is there a way to backup our resources?


Good, another request here - Download backup with one click

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Great question. If you're using the Retool DB, you can backup with pgAdmin. Not sure about the other resources.

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I was asking myself the same questions.
We should be able to do a complete private backup of the Retool data, as a backup of yours.
I bet going self-hosted answer this question, but being Cloud as it own advantages

Hello everyone!

I brought this up to a few teams and our infra team shared that we have "automatic daily backups on our database, which covers apps, resources and workflows".

On-Prem orgs can query the resources table on their hosted database, but as for a button to click to download all apps or backup resources yourselves, I believe those would both be feature requests (that I've gone ahead and created internally).

Let me know if you have anything else you'd like to clarify! :slight_smile:

It sounds like you described a backup system for hardware failures & Retool Dev Team errors on a cloud (or in-house datacenter), but is there any way to create a backup of schema, queries & configurations for Retool user errors? It doesn't have to be a automation script triggers by a "button", but a general guide for users to follow to backup and restore their schema(retool DB), queries & configurations manually. This is more for human error or even returning to a state that was better than changes made since.


It is not acceptable that the only way to backup (externally, off of Retool's own servers) our Retool apps is, app-by-app, exporting to JSON.
How is the feature request coming along that you submitted back in Oct '23 @victoria ?

Hey @libove, no update on that Feature Request right now. This is currently in the backlog and not a prioritized feature. We'll update you here if that changes.