What is the status of the Oauth2 client credentials flow bug?

I have a retool instance running with a resource defined to use Oauth2.0 client credentials flow:

requests made with this flow do not seem to be altering the OAUTH2_TOKEN as seen in the API Request tab after running preview:

We've updated our self hosted to 3.57.7-stable but the issue still appears to be present. Is there a place I can follow along on bug status?

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Hey @Alex_Chesser! Welcome to the community. :wave:

I'm testing on a slightly older version (3.52.21) and am seemingly unable to replicate the issue that you're having. This generally means that the the token isn't being successfully retrieved from the authorization server in the first place. Of particular note, I see exactly what you do when I make an intentional mistake in the resource configuration.

I'd recommend manually hitting the /v1/token endpoint with Postman or something similar in order to verify that the combination of client_id, client_secret, scope, etc. is valid and then double check that all those values have been correctly entered into Retool!