Vector / AI / Limit?

Hi, I have a client project for which I want to use AI vectors in cloud mode. It has about 40 GB of PDF documents, but I'm not sure about the storage limits for the documents ? What about the limits for the vectors?

Am I the only one using vectors?

Hi Manuel.

I believe the vectors are stored on the RetoolDB, which on cloud has a default limit of 5gb.

This limit can be increased on the enterprise plan: Retool pricing (it's under Retool-hosted storage) But we don't currently offer separate plans just to increase this DB size.

N.B 40gb of documents is a lot of data to be uploading to a vector DB, and will likely be inefficient at finding the right context, especially if it's 40gb of pure text. If you have a lot of images taking up space/size in those pdfs, removing them will improve efficiency and cut down significantly on your storage size.