I am trying to have a table that shows its content based on the multi-selections of a parent table.
The parent table currently has 1 column, but theoretically could have more.
The query is basically as follows:
Select * from SQLTableName where filtercolumn = ANY ( ?)
Select * from SQLTableName where filtercolumn IN ( ?)
To see the selected rows I believe I need to use {{table.selectedRows}} but I cannot work out the rest to resolve down to an array of values that can be used. Effectively I want to get all the values from the first key-value pair. If I was looking for just the selected row (not multiple), the equivalent would be table.selectedRow.column_name
There's a post that points to the SQL cheatsheet but I cannot see the answer there. It tells me I want this format:
id = ANY({{ [1, 2, 3] }})
but not how to use table.selectedRows to get there.
Appreciate the help...!