Using Aspera SDK inside Retool

Hi guys, I am trying to use Aspera to download some content from our backend, via the IBM Aspera connect-sdk-js library.

From what I understand from the docs and other forum conversations, the library should be preloaded and then the contents should be available throughout my app.
Unfortunately, it seems that the library isn't being loaded and I fear it might be a compatibility issue, for example due to the library referencing the parent window object from code.

Could anyone please confirm if this library is indeed incompatible or if a compatible version exists or recommend a workaround?

Here is the repo: GitHub - IBM/aspera-connect-sdk-js: Official Aspera Connect SDK for Javascript
Here is a CDN version:

Thank you very much!

Hi Francesco! If you're adding the library into Retool and it's not working in your code, then it's likely not compatible unfortunately :frowning:

As for a workaround, I'm not familiar with IBM Aspera so I'm not too sure I have a recommendation just yet, but happy to learn more about your use case! Do you know how you are using the parent window?

Thanks Victoria,

we need to download from our cloud storage some files associated with a entities rendered in a table or grid view.
The downloads should be encrypted and our tool of choice is Aspera Connect.

I ended up standing up a separate react app that talks to our backend and uses the connect-sdk-js and calling it from a button inside the Retool app.

I'm not sure how the parent window is used, but I noticed that the library provides various mechanisms for tracking progress and registering listeners, I imagine that would be why