Using 'ANY' with MS SQL

The solution of using 'ANY' as noted here Double Quotes Array in MultiSelect and Postgres Filter - #8 by everett_smith
does not work for me.
I'm using MS SQL and have the same issue of double quotes in the string.

Another solution noted was to make sure that
Disable converting queries to prepared statements
is selected which does not help.

Whatever I come up with I'll have to replicated more than 20 times as I'm connecting Retool to many different MS SQL statements.

To Reiterate this doesn't work
and Geo = ANY ({{multiGEOPri.selectedLabels}})
nor does this
and Geo in ({{multiGEOPri.selectedLabels.toString().replaceAll(",","','")}})

Hi @peter.letkeman :wave:

I have limited familiarity with MS SQL, but I believe the solution you linked was for Postgres. ANY may be looking for a different argument type in MS SQL.

Maybe try something along the lines of AND Geo IN ({{ "'" + multiGEOPri.selectedLabels.join("','") + "'" }}). Let me know if that works for you!