User Registration for Retool Portals App

I am looking for documentation/help on enabling user registration for a Retool Portals app. I am able to get the app set up with a custom domain and login page with password reset etc. Is there a suggested approach to doing that?

@ssretool thanks for posting and thanks for your patience! Take a spin through our portals documentation here and try it out!

Let us know specifics on where you're getting stuck, and we can work on pointing you in the right direction :rocket:

I'll also move this into our External Apps category which focuses on the Retool Portals and Retool Embed features

Hi @kbn Just joined reetool and i'm intrigued about the portal pricing. I'm looking at 10k+ portals but i'd like to know the pricing for the same. Can you help?

Hey @workrelatedforvinod! At that scale, you'll likely want to book a demo with the sales team so that you can discuss more customized bulk pricing!