Use of AbortController in reool

I am trying to invoke a Google Apps Script function (using fetch) which would take more than few minutes to complete, based on user's choice. Hence instead of waiting for the server process to complete / final result I would like to abort the fetch request based on the case.

I used AbortController but in Retool I am seeing message AbortController not defined. Please suggest how the use case can be achieved in Retool if AbortController will not work

AbortSignal used to work earlier, though a warning shown in the code. But suddenly from yesterday, it is not working as expected. Once the code execution reaches the line containing AbortSignal, execution skipped out of the function and then happens most unwanted thing, whole function is getting called in infinite loop and Retool is not terminating the process. I had to close the browser to stop the execution. Not sure what happened at Retool side. Please suggest if someone from Retool would provide any resolution / alternate approaches to this. This became a roadblock now.

Hi @srichint I am looking into this! Are you able to share the full JS query? Or, if you can't open it, a JSON export?