Use javascript query to navigate to a mobile multiapp screen

Hi There!
In my mobile multiapp (Beta) project, i'm looking for how to navigate to a screen with javascript.
I noticed the method 'utils.openApp', but cannot find a solution for navigate to a view.

Hi there @Julien_Robidet and welcome to the forum.

I know you can use utils.openPage (see here a recent post on this), although I don't use mobile so not sure if it will work there.

I searched for this in the documentation but couldn't find it. @Isabella_Borkovic, just double checking if this utils method is already explained somewhere with more detail?


You may be interested in navigator.navigateTo(screen). Referenced here.


Hi ! Thanks a lot @MiguelOrtiz @bca!
It works with navigator.navigateTo(screen) but I don't get autocomplete when I type navigator. which confused me, instead of utils. (check screenshot attached).

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Sorry for the late reply! You’re right—utils.openPage isn’t in the docs :anguished: I’ll reach out to the Docs team about getting it added. Thanks for pointing that out!