Use different username in ssh tunnel

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to connect retool with my mongodb on the server.
Unfortunately its a managed server, so I'm not able to create new users. The support isn't as well.

I need to use the tunnel option. Installing a certificate wouldn't be a problem, its just the username.

Is there a way to change the username accordingly to the existing one on the server?

If not, what possibilities do I have to connect the database, besides from switching to a root server?

Thank you for your help!

Hello @Kai_Mathessohn!

Could you give me some more details on which username you are looking to change?

Do you want to change your retool account username, the username of the mongo server or the username for a profile with permissions to access/SSH tunnel into the MongoDB server?

Retool won't be able to change anything on a managed mongoDB server that we don't have access to. Is your retool app self hosted or cloud hosted?

Here is a link to a forum post about changing Retool account user name with a helpful screenshot in the response

Hi Jack!

I'm talking about the SSH public key authentication in the connection details of a new db-connection.

I quote: " Download Retool's public key here and add it to your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys You'll need to create a user named retool . Click here for docs on how to use this feature."

Hello @Kai_Mathessohn,

Unfortunately you cannot change the username, it is set to retool and we do not have permission to alter this.

The only option would be switching to a root server.