URL parameter can not contain "="



When a URL parameter contains a "=" (Including the quotes), it gets capped of in the "URL parameters" edit field:

When I change the "=" to, for example, to "1", all works OK:

This is annoying as I have many times mistakenly changed the URL parameter in the edit field of "URL parameters" and lost my changes.

Thank you for fixing this! :+1:

You shouldn't need to quote the =
The get should be able to contain anything
And your URL parameters shouldn't need curly braces.... what are you trying to achieve?

Hey @ScottR,

Thank you for your reply. The sample I gave is just a reduced sample to show the bug. My API call requires me to send filter as a JSON string, and one of the values of a key is a = sign.

This is show it looks in real life:
[{"Field":"this.TypeID", "Operator":"=", "Values":["101"]}]

So, the "=" is a string value of the "Operator" key. It an also be ">" or "<".


Have you tried encoding it?

Yes, thats what I do now. But still.. Its a bug that should be addressed :wink:

:wave: Agreed -- I'll post here when our team is able to ship a fix, thanks!

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Thanks @Tess!