Urgent/Important: Copy/Paste of from Excel to Retool does not work

Hello @kbn , @victoria , @Kabirdas , @joeBumbaca , @Tess ,

I am trying to build an application which has a form to be filled and one of the field is a Number field. Sometimes value of this field has to be copied from excel and then paste in Retool. This copy-paste is not working. Could you please look into this.

Excel value:

At times the excel field is a value that is calculated through formula and at times it is a direct value without formula. I am just curious is it because of the comma in the excel field?


Hello @kbn , @victoria , @Kabirdas , @joeBumbaca , @Tess ,
can someone look into this

Hi @Pravallika.dontha Thanks for reaching out!

I haven't been able to reproduce this yet. Can you share what version number of Retool you're using? This looks like an older version of the number component, so I want to make sure I'm testing the same version.

Does the component allow you to manually type in the same number?