Upload document to vectors using convert document to text

Hello !

I've been working on building an app to help me on uploading lots of documents to Retool Vectors.

The flow is simple : I select a document (.pdf only for now), I split the PDF using Adobe Services API and I download all the splits and store them in Retool Storage.

My first approach to this app was to immediately convert the selected PDF document to text and then, push this text to one of my vectors. The conversion can work with small files but it's limited and even if it does work, the text is often too long to be eventually uploaded to a vector.

Now, I have my files in Retool storage and downloading each split using Adobe Services API grants me access to the base64Data string of each file.

Now I'm trying to figure it out how I can fill up 'File Source' in Retool AI's 'Convert Document to Text' as neither my REST API query to Adobe nor my uploading to Retool Storage returns a file.

When I started working on my app, I've read this thread where 'files' property appears to be a thing in Retool. I never came across it yet but that would be super handy to complete my work.

I also thought getting the base64Data would be useful to upsert new docs to my vectors but I didn't find anything helpful I could do with this data yet.

I'm open to any ideas I haven't explore yet, I really need to build something that will help me to upload batches of sometimes large documents to Retool vectors!